Volunteers Make all the Difference
Whatever your background, whatever your age…your experience can help those we support.
What is a befriender?
A befriender is someone who has a passion for people and lives out what it means to build community. Being in debt is often linked to social isolation for many of our clients. Debt can mean having no disposable income to socialise with friends, carrying the stigma associated with being in debt and having low self-esteem.
Many of our client’s lives can be a little chaotic and full of fear regarding their situations. Befrienders work closely with the Debt Coaches, accompanying them on visits and focusing on the non-debt related needs of the client, such as:
- Facilitating bringing the client into community
- Identifying hobbies and possible points of social connection - Introducing the client to other CAP volunteers
- Providing assistance with practical tasks
- Sharing the gospel.
This role is client facing and would suit someone with great relationship-building skills, an open and completely non-judgmental nature, together with a heart and resilience to serve.
The role is flexible with regards to what elements you will undertake, as we recognise that all services operate under a CAP model but in very different church environments. We want to equip and empower you to undertake the role in a way which best fits you and your community.

We partner with Christians Against Poverty (CAP) which is a charity that has been providing free professional debt help and community groups through local churches since 1996. They see thousands break free from debt every year.
CAP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).